The Challenges Facing Colleges in the Higher Ed Landscape

A fairly good article from late last year outlining the challenges…

Blackboard Buys MyEdu

Blackboard buys MyEdu. This platform allows students to showcase…

Traditional Academics Continue to Doubt MOOCs, Survey Finds

A recent article from the Chronicle of Higher Education has revealed…

Chinese Graduate Student Enrollments Cool in USA

The number of graduate students enrolling in US institutions…

Corporatization of Higher Education

Another good read from the Chronicle of Higher Education about…

Higher Education Returns to Reality but MOOCs do Offer Innovation

The Chronicle of Higher Education has…

Massive Online Courses Shaking Up Higher Education

An interesting article from China about how MOOCs are shaking…

Scottish Universities Deliver Most Value for the Pound

Scottish Universities deliver the most value for the GBP according…

Top Online Marketing Tips for 2014 - Forbes

Forbes recently published an article on the top 7 trends for…

NovoEd's technology entrepreneurship MOOC

Here is a MOOC on technology entrepreneurship delivered by NovoEd.…